kyago mobile app
Does your ISP provide audio and video streaming in a good quality with transparent connections and unchanged content?
The Android and iOS app can be downloaded from Google-Store and Apple-Store.
An Android and iOS version of the kyago mobile app is available for testing mobile broadband internet access services.
In the first instance, the kyago mobile app is a simple and comprehensive tool for testing the mobile broadband connection of mobile devices with technologies such as GPRS, 3G, 4G, 5G and WIFI.
Extensive tests on net neutrality such as audio and video streaming, SIP and VoIP, transparent connections and unchanged content complement the test on the actual data transmission rate of your broadband connection.
The time and location of all results can be stored on the smartphone.
The mobile version of the broadband test has been optimised for broadband connections with data transmission rates of up to 1000 Mbit/s.